Legislative bills that include colonial and slave-owning historical memory , as well as formal petitions from third counties .
In this section we have considered all legislative initiatives ( approved or not ), including non-legislative proposals and / or motions in parliamentary or municipal offices , which address issues related to the slave trade , slavery or colonialism . We have also included laws or initiatives aimed at preventing racial hatred , a phenomenon closely linked to the legacy of slavery and colonisation . We must point out , however , that we have not included in this sampling the legislative proposals for the abolition of slavery or the 21st-century slave trade , nor the various laws on colonial emancipation . Nor have we included any of the many motions , declarations or resolutions on the Sahara conflict ,[ 3 ] as this issue deserves a specific analysis that we do not rule out incorporating in another project phase . Thus , we have decided to incorporate only laws , motions and political declarations that address the issue from the point of view of reparations , recognition or historical memory . Claims for recognition or reparations from third countries have also been included .
Element Validation Year
“ Non-legislative proposal for the recognition of the Spanish State ’ s accountability and reparations for damages as a result of the use of chemical weapons in the Rif ”
Submitted by Esquerra Republicana [ Republican Left ] in relation to the crimes of the colonial occupation of the Rif and its consequences .
Historical period : Colonialism
Historical injustice : Colonialism
Level : State
Status : Rejected
[ 3 ] Formally speaking , the Sahara is still regarded to be a territory pending decolonisation by Spain . However , in practice , it is a territory under Moroccan sovereignty following the 1975 tripartite agreements – with no validity in international law . This reality implies that the Sahara issue is a focal point in many political debates .
T R A N S - A T L A N T I C R A C I A L R E D R E S S N E T W O R K : S P A N I S H C A S E