Taking into account the historical reality and considerations made , the main search criteria in this first phase are as follows :
1 . Legislative bills that include colonial and slave-owning historical memory , as well as formal petitions from third countries .
2 . Removal / Request for removal / Resignification of monuments / addition of new monuments . 3 . Renaming of streets , squares and buildings / schools . 4 . Curricular adaptations and implementation of education plans that integrate matters concerning colonialism and racism . 5 . Protest movements , entities and associations promoting visibility and advocating for reparations for Spanish colonialism , slaveowning and racism ( hate crimes ). In addition , movements , entities and associations promoting visibility and advocating for reparations for hate crimes and historical injustices in the present day .
6 . Exhibitions , workshops and other cultural awareness-raising initiatives .
T R A N S - A T L A N T I C R A C I A L R E D R E S S N E T W O R K : S P A N I S H C A S E