and a better perspective on your
mood or problems. Try paying for the
coffee of the person behind you in
line, giving someone a handwritten
note of encouragement, or go big
and sponsor a child and write them
a letter!
One thing Licensed Marriage
and Family Therapist, Holly
LaBarbera does with her clients
who feel down in the dumps is to
figure out who they have in their
life that they can connect with. She
encourages them not to isolate
themselves, but to spend time with
people who care about them and
are fun. Another tip is to make a list
of things you like to do, whether
you have ever done them or not.
Finding a new activity or hobby can
bust up the blues as well as a wellloved one. Another tip that often
helps is starting a gratitude practice,
whether that is a journal or just an
increased awareness of thing for
which one is grateful each and every
day. Noticing and being thankful for
both little things like a delicious sip
of coffee and more significant things
like a special person in your life can
start to boost your mood.
By Lynn Hamilton
NOV/DEC 2015