Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 37
In my opinion the bigger benefit of protein is that you can
over eat it and also eat it more frequently than carbs with less
likelihood of becoming fat. This is very important for those
who are trying to gain muscle mass. When you want to gain
muscle you need to consume slightly more calories than you
burn. You have three choices then when it comes to foods you
will over eat. If you over eat carbs or have them too often you
will get fatter. You can eat fat all day but an overabundance of
it will also lead to increased body-fat. That leaves protein as
your best choice. That right there is the simple reason why
eating a hefty amount of protein is a good idea.
However, the numbers we select for daily protein
requirements will never be anywhere near the normal
bodybuilding recommendations simply because that’s
completely unnecessary. Especially because of the fact that
The Renegade Diet makes you much more metabolically
efficient, allowing you to do more with less.
Skinny Guys Need to Force Feed
Carbs All Day to Gain Muscle
This is a myth although somewhat true… kinda, sorta…
Skinny guys who stay naturally ripped (I mean somewhere
between five and ten percent body-fat) do need to eat a lot of
carbs to bulk up. There’s no way around it. Protein, fat and
veggies just won’t cut it. These guys need to really load up on
the potatoes and rice. But they don’t need to eat them all day,
nor should they.
Skinny guys who have a high percentage of bodyfat are
true hardgainers. In the past I thought that all skinny guys
were hardgainers. But the ones who stay ripped are really just