Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 34

So if you want to be burn far less fat each day and be in a state of mental fog and lethargy all morning I would highly recommend following the mainstream advice and sitting down to a “healthy” breakfast. If, however, you want several extra hours of enhanced fat burning per day, along with far more energy and mental focus than you have right now, skip breakfast entirely. You Must Eat Every 2-3 Hours I’ll start by addressing the old bodybuilding myth that you must eat every 2-3 hours to “stoke the furnace” and keep the metabolism running. This is all nonsense. That’s not how we evolved as a species and the body is not designed to eat that often. Back in our hunter-gatherer days we foraged around for food during the day gathering twigs and berries to snack on while in search of a kill. One large meal per day was the norm. Great warriors of the past such as the Greeks and Trojans would go out to battle all day on very little food and then return at the end of the day to a feast. This is how we evolved through millions of years. All of the original bodybuilders and legendary strongman all ate three meals per day. That was the norm from the dawn of time until one day back in the 70’s when someone decided that in order to make more money by pushing bodybuilding supplements and protein powders it would now be the normal recommendation to eat six meals per day from that day forward. Nobody could possibly eat six solid food meals per day so of course they would be forced to buy the low quality meal replacement powders being pedaled by the supplement companies. T HE R ENEGADE D IET 25