Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 23

• Cut gluten out of your diet .
• Surround yourself with positive , happy people . Get rid of the negative deadbeats who bring you down .
• Supplement with transdermal magnesium . This will help you relax and sleep better which can lead to reduced cortisol levels . It also helps improve testosterone levels .
• Meditate daily for 30 minutes per day . This is very important yet most of you will ignore this advice . A great program that can lower your cortisol levels and change your life are the Holosync Meditation CD ’ s http :// jasonferruggia . com / meditationcd . I listen to them for a half hour every day and have noticed a dramatic reduction in stress levels and improved quality of life .

Adrenal Fatigue

High cortisol levels and adrenal fatigue go hand in hand . If you have one your probably have the other . Most people are over worked , over stressed , over caffeinated and possibly even over trained ( although that ’ s the least likely of the three ). The combination of these things is what leads to adrenal fatigue . The adrenal glands control most of what goes on inside your body . When they are fried from too much stress nothing will function properly and you will basically feel like a walking zombie all the time . Getting lean with poorly functioning adrenal glands will also be next to impossible .