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High Cortisol Levels Cortisol is the stress hormone that eats away muscle tissue and increases body fat storage. If you have too much of it, due to excessively high stress levels and not enough sleep, cortisol can also screw with your cognitive abilities, leaving you in a bit of a brain fog and with an impaired memory. In today’s high stress world having elevated cortisol levels is about as common as brushing your teeth in the morning. Unless you do something to consciously lower it you will never lose the spare tire and get lean. High cortisol levels can also lead to numerous health issues as well, a lot more serious than a few extra pounds of fat around your waist. One thing I must make mention of is the fact that intermittent fasting, which is a big part of The Renegade Diet is sometimes not the best idea for those currently dealing with excessively high cortisol levels. Until you bring your cortisol levels back down to normal it’s recommended that you start eating a bit earlier in the day. This will be discussed in further detail later in the book. How to Fix High Cortisol Levels • Avoid stress. I know this is easier said than done but a serious effort must be made. • Limit your workouts to 45-60 minutes. • Don’t do excessive amounts of aerobic exercise. • Get 8-9 hours of sleep per night. T HE R ENEGADE D IET 13