Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 13

The Warrior Diet was geared more towards the average male or female who just wanted an easier way of getting in shape than it was for those who train Renegade style and want to optimize performance while developing the shredded physique of a Greek god or goddess. So after a brief run I dismissed it. Then in 2008, I was headed to LA with my friend, Keith Scott and for some reason decided to bring the book and read it again. This time I was even more intrigued than before. But for the purposes of the goals of most of my clients I would have to make significant changes to Ori’s original system. So I started to experiment and play with it over the next few years. The Birth of The Renegade Diet I took Ori’s original concepts and modified them for people who trained hard and often, for those who wanted to build muscle or just get absolutely shredded while training Renegade style several hours per week. I also had numerous athletes to consider and wanted to figure out a way to make this type of eating work for them. Finally, I wanted to create the absolute healthiest eating plan I could. When my step dad got sick with pancreatic cancer in the spring of 2009 I immersed myself in functional medicine, life extension and all things health and nutrition related. I wanted to ensure that nothing like that would ever happen to anyone I was close to again. I wanted to give all of my clients so much more than the ability to lose fat and build muscle. I wanted them to experience supreme health, the likes of which most people never come close to. 4 T HE R ENEGADE D IET