Remote Infrastructure Management May 2013 Vol# 3 | Page 8
What we do
Directory Management
With changing business trends and need for speed
in everything, Active Directory management has
changed remarkably. With new trends such as IT
compliance governing business, efficiency at short
notice seems to be the order of the day. Every
organization deals with organizational change
on a regular basis—most commonly the loss and
addition of personnel. Ensuring that each system
and the corresponding user contact information is
accounted for properly is paramount to a successful
IT systems management strategy. Undocumented,
these changes could lead to unmanaged systems
on the network that could pose a huge risk to the
security, availability and performance of the entire
IT environment. STPL’s Directory Managed Services
provide complete adherence to your IT governance
policies and performs all tasks like password reset,
creation of new users, deletion of users, and more.
Compliance & Policy
AConsistency is the hallmark of an effective, agile
organization. With thousands of moving parts,
ensuring that every user, every system is being
managed consistently is critical. The laptop logging
in from the coffee shop across town should be
managed as robustly, as completely and as securely
as desktops in the office next door.
Ensure distributed systems are in compliance with IT
policies or recurring services
Streamline the process of applying and updating
policies to multiple machines based on
organization, group, department or dynamic view
Achieve greater confidence that distributed systems
are secure and in compliance
Manage policy enforcement of multiple groups
of machines, applying varying and nested policies
depending on security risk, business use or service
Monitor and manage all warranty- software and
Manage license compliance on customer’s behalf.
Network Monitoring
The number of users that run into a problem on
critical systems increases exponentially with
time. Early warning allows for user notification
and redundancy measures. Automatic resolution
potentially eliminates any user downtime.
STPL’s Network Monitoring Service includes the
basics for monitoring all aspects of network
connected devices beginning with the performance
monitoring: Network bandwidth, CPU, disk, and
memory utilization. On Windows platforms, both
Windows performance registry counters and
WMI queries are available. The file and directory
monitoring can monitor if a file exists, how many
files there are in a directory, if the total content
of a directory is growing or check if new files are
added on a schedule. Log monitoring can trigger
notifications and other actions when a log message
is encountered that matches a pre-defined filter.
Windows event log, Linux/Unix syslog and text log
files are supported.The SNMP trap monitor has
advanced filtering capabilities and alarm conditions
can be setup to respond to specific properties of the
received trap. There is also the SNMP query monitor
that can poll specified OID’s, perform a simple
calculation, and compare the result with a specified