Releasing the Genius Issue 3 | Page 11

Neuron Ticklers Enjoy these brain bogglers from Spirit of Math®, Spirit of Technology™ and Spirit of English™ Which number is missing from the centre of the third square? Locate the mines hidden in the grid. Numbers in squares specify how many mines there are in neighboring squares _ including diagonally touching squares. No mines are positioned in squares containing a number. 1) Look to the right to find the encoded names of two magical lands from children's fiction. Decode the names in the spaces below: a) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ a) — . / . / ... — / . / . — . / . — .. / . — / — . / b) __ __ __ __ __ __ 2) Unscramble the letters circled in a) and b) above to decode the final message: __ __ __ __ __ THE __ __ __ NOW! .. — b) — . / . — / . — . / — . / .. / . — scan the code for answers 11