Relayhorse e-magazine March 2018 RHeM mayl 2018 5 8 18 FINAL | Page 12
manager and mouth piece who keeps the team in line, and wife Rikki is the glue that hold this all together. Fast Horse says, “I’d
also like to mention all my family, from my sisters to little cousins have had a part however big or small it all helps. Make no mis-
take, I know and realize we can’t do all of this by ourselves.”
He’s excited that Horse Nations Indian Relay picked up Gillette for the season opener, Memorial Day weekend. “You haven’t
seen horse racing till you’ve seen Indian Relay. Spectators will never experience the adrenaline rush like watching relay. You can
be a 5-time world champion and run last, you never count anyone out. Sometimes you just click like poetry or a song and other
times it’s just a wreck,” says Fast Horse.