In both cases, you’ll want to
consider the proximity of
schools and shopping, whether
it’s for your own quality of life,
or for the house’s perceived
value as a rental unit or as a
resale. If promises have been
made about future desirable
development in the area, check
for yourself that it really is a
sure thing before paying a price
that’s based on that
For any property you are a lot of offers. As a buyer, you always want to pay the price that
considering purchasing, you’ve determined to be a good value for what you’re getting. Plenty
whether a house or a home, of sellers won’t see eye to eye with you, but there are others who
look for anything that has the will, and you’ll pay the right price.
potential to cost you a lot of
money later on, even if it falls There are the certain techniques that will help you achieve this. If a
outside the scope of the realtor has shown you a property you’re interested in, later try
professional inspection. contacting the seller directly to ask some questions. Be personable
and talk to him as a human being, not as an adversary. Ask him
Now, suppose that you’ve what the basis is for the price of the property. If you do a little
found a property that you would research and find that it is not in line with comparable properties in
like to buy. How can you get it the area, that can give you some leverage with the seller, especially
for the price you want? I want if you present the facts in a reasonable and friendly manner.
to share with you some
professional investor
negotiating tips that have
worked very well on a good
number of deals I’ve made.
The first applies more to house
purchases. To be a successful
investor, it’s necessary to make
A House or a Home?