REI Wealth Monthly Issue 6 | Page 25

PROPERTY INVESTING IN JAPAN – THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN ZIV MAGEN I'm perfectly content with a constant, steady and reliable 10-15% pre-tax per annum that Japan real estate investing provides, even if that growth never eventuates Armed with all of the above information, my choice seemed clear. Japan won hands-down. And, all that was left for me to do was to pull up my sleeves and start building my own, personal "A-Team" - the people that would help make my investment dreams a reality. If it sounds like I'm having fun, it's probably because I am. I love my job, whether I'm doing it for myself or for a client. If you've been following me so far, chances are you're a naturally born international investor too. Join me in the next issue of Real Estate Investing Wealth Magazine, as I drill-down into the various building blocks of my own personal (and oh-so-awesome) team members. As mentioned, this is never a one-man-show. Get cocky or greedy and try to do it all yourself, and you're bound to either drive yourself crazy or bankrupt (or both). But more on that next time! Ziv Magen Ziv Magen is an Australian, and has been deeply immersed in Japan's culture and business environment for the past decade. In 2003, he forsake his career as in IT corporate project manager, wishing to spend more time with his family and secure their financial future. Having made the transition to real-estate investment and successfully building his own portfolio, he subsequently established Nippon Tradings International (NTI) together with his Japanese partner, assisting others in capitalizing on Japan's vast and lucrative property market.