Everyone in this business, steps one by one to correct whatever problem you are facing. This
even those who are as is all part of your learning curve. Once again, if you are getting your
experienced as I am and education along the way, you will probably be lucky enough to
have been in the real estate sidestep most of these problems. If you decide to work with a
business for many years mentor along the way make sure he or she is a successful
have seen our fair share of entrepreneur and is someone who can help you attain the success
lousy tenants, cash flow you are looking for in your business.
problems, houses that
To turn your thoughts away from fear of failure, ask yourself this
enough money available question. Why did I get into the real estate business in the first
and all of the other kinds of place? Are those reasons still valid today? Ask yourself about what
problems that can come your original expectations were, are they still possible? Is the short
with this business. Believe term problem worth the ultimate outcome? I know this will sound
me when I tell you, you difficult, but take the time to look inside yourself and find the inner
aren’t inventing any strength to pull you through whatever problem you are currently
problem that we haven’t all encountering. It will absolutely be worth the time and energy you
faced at one time or expend. Surround yourself with likeminded investors who share the
another. The best solution same dream you do. This is another to keep a positive attitude and
is to take a deep breath, stay focused on the goal. Overcoming your fear of failure is what will
step back and regroup. separate you from all the others who choose not to make it in this
Then start taking positive wonderful business. Only you can sidestep the fast track to failure.
didn’t sell quickly, not