There are two critical moments when you right as you go. Don’t let the possibility of
must have faith in yourself and in your defeatdefeat you or your ultimate goal.
business; when you first begin your Take the time to build and surround
business and when your business is in yourself with a dream team of people who
some kind of trouble. It’s easier to be much can help you achieve the goals you have
more optimistic at the onset, it’s not so easy set for yourself and for your business.
when you are overwhelmed, feeling like you
are being pushed in several directions, or If you find yourself overwhelmed by
having trouble with cash flow. Sometimes various problems in your business, try to
quitting may look really attractive and your dissect them one at a time and determine
friends and family may suggest to you that the cause and the solution to each
you quit the real estate business and get a problem individually. Deal with your
job if things aren’t going along just the way problems one at a time and one day at a
they should. time. This is never easy but must be done
as any successful business grows. Big
Overcoming problems in your business isn’t problems broken into smaller ones are
easy and there is no magic pill. You just easier to tackle and solve. One of the
have to decide whether you want it badly biggest problems that may arise for you in
enough and adjust your mindset the real estate business may be lack of
accordingly. There is no short cut; you just time or lack of money and there are ways
have to believe you will succeed and forge to solve both of these problems, especially
ahead. When you get into a difficult in the real estate business where the
situation, and you consider cutting your money to do deals is much more
losses and just quitting, try to think back to accessible.
the beginning, when you were so excited
about getting started in the real estate Compared to the responsibilities of
business. What was your motivation then? running a successful business, your past
life of working for someone else may
If you have a mentor or someone you can seem to have been a much more
talk to, do that before making any drastic comfortable route to take in retrospect.
decision you may be sorry for later. Make But is that the outcome you’re really after?
sure this person is qualified to help you Do you really want to work for someone
make a decision as to your future before else the rest of your life and make money
putting faith in their advice. Also make sure for them or do you want to be the wealthy
you are getting the education you need in entrepreneur you know you can be?
all facets of your business so you can best
avoid failure by learning how to do things
The Fast Track to Failure