taxwise. I am seeing many residence while buying
smart Silicon Valley high affordable investment homes
tech people, and others has been taken further by
interested in living in the new tax law.
expensive areas, opting to
Local infrastructure
makes it doable
The local infrastructure in the
various markets is comprised
rent their residence, and buy People do not have to buy of property managers, local
several (or many) investment rental homes in the areas in savvy real estate brokers,
properties in affordable which they happen to live. I maintenance crews,
markets where the rent myself own rental homes all insurance agents, and any
numbers are good. over the United States, as do other function needed to
thousands of our investors. support the busy investor,
The deductions available for Since we have a solid who may live far away. We
rental properties have not support infrastructure in have many foreign investors,
been affected by the 2018 many appropriate real estate who live across the ocean,
tax law, and in fact a new markets, investing in another invest in multiple rental
deduction, the “pass through state becomes easier, since homes in appropriate
deduction” was added, which the local teams in that markets in the United States.
could benefit many real market will handle the estate investors. The logic rentals, maintenance and behind renting your own support for the investor.
Should I buy my own home
first, or rent and buy
investment homes?