Sense of accomplishment and
satisfaction in purchasing
rental homes
Another example could be a potential home
purchase of a residence costing $725,000. That
property could most likely be rented for about
$3,200 per month. For the amount used to put a
20% downpayment (plus closing costs), you can
rent this home, and buy four brand new rental
homes for $180,000 each rented at $1,500
each. Total gross rent: $6,000 per month for the
4 houses, and they can be new, under warranty,
in good locations, and paradoxically each may
likely be bigger in size and bedrooms than that
one $725,000 home, which is also likely
substantially older. Again, the four rental
Should I buy my own home first,
or rent and buy investment homes?
homes can also be geographically diversified.
Even the sense of investor can pay a bit more sales and property taxes up
accomplishment and in rent and get a bigger, to a limit of $10,000 in total
satisfaction of home more expensive home to live starting in 2018. For
ownership, may be fulfilled in, while investing in more expensive homes in states
by owning four brand new, optimallypriced markets and like California, New York,
good sized and wellrented choosing areas that have not and others, the $10,000 limit
homes in an appropriate yet boomed, and which can will diminish deductions
market, while paying a yield higher rental rates. which could be used before,
relatively low rent in an
expensive market. In fact,
The 2018 tax plan
making home ownership
even less logical beyond a
certain home price. In states
the higher the home prices
in the expensive market, the Under the new 2018 tax with very high property
lower (relatively) the rent plan, taxpayers who itemize taxes, even less expensive
gets as a fraction of the will be able to deduct their homes will reach that limit
home price. Thus, the savvy state individual income, and become less attractive