Maroney’s B2B facing portal,
Responzive, eliminates the
need for ‘hope and pray
advertising’, and enables
businesses from real estate
to insurance companies to
obtain ready to buy
consumer leads, ondemand.
JP says that the service is for
serious businesses and
those serious about scaling
quickly, and have an appetite
for 5k+ leads per month.
The New Frontier
JP Maroney’s investment firm Harbor City Capital has appeared in Inc. Magazine, and
many other major news sites. Harbor City Capital is the investment engine which fuels
Responzive, and other digital marketing arbitrage ventures, as well as branching into
acquiring and monetizing big data and data centers.
Via an exclusivee phone interview with Realty 411, JP broke the news that the firm is
currently acquiring a high profile $100M retail domain, complete with its trademarks, and
data on 15M active users. As of July 2017, the firm already had in excess of 1.2B data
records inhouse, and is generating 4/5M leads per day in different niches and verticals.
Opportunities for Accredited Investor
Harbor City Capital continues to grow quickly, and has just announced a unique opportunity
for accredited investors to participate in its success. This is via a 506c filing and seeding
funding round. Investors receive preferred shares via a convertible note, with a 5 year
redemption period, offering a minimum of 17% returns. However, an IPO could be quite
likely within the next 12 to 18 months.
Accredited investors are able to diversify their portfolios into this industry with a minimum of
a $50k investment. Though the opportunity closes once the funding round hits $25M.