The main reason that direct mail
works so well is that you are
reaching targeted sellers, and you
become the seller’s first option
when they need to sell. Even if you
are on a limited budget, direct mail
is an excellent source of leads for
you since you can buy more
houses from fewer leads, thus
maximizing your marketing dollars.
As your business grows, you can
increase the amount of mailings
you do. You can also target specific
neighborhoods or dominate certain
parts of town. In doing so, you
become a “property value expert” in
those areas, which makes the offer
making process that much easier
for you.
In addition, you create an ongoing
relationship with your target market
which makes it easy for you to
follow up with past inflexible or unmotivated sellers. Because these mailings are so targeted and so
residual, there is virtually no competition for these properties, and it puts your lead generating system
on autopilot, leaving you more time to make offers.
The most important thing to remember is to be consistent in all your efforts. The successful real estate
investor has a network of people and strategies at their fingertips at all times. If you don’t develop
continuity to your marketing campaigns, you’ll see your results begin to drop off immediately.
When you learn to get motivated sellers contacting you and then learn a variety of ways to purchase
properties, the possibilities become almost endless. If you use several different ways to get motivated
sellers contacting you, you will have more opportunities than you’ll be able to handle.
Uncovering the Secrets of Marketing To Motivated Sellers