The Broward Real Estate Investors Association, in conjunction with the Miami Dade REIA, has one of the
most successful mentor programs in the country….but they only mentor students one on one in their market.
The owners, Ryan Kuhlman and Anish Dave, as well as their Director Antonio Lopez are not just out in their
market teaching how to flip houses. They are a team of highly successful wholesale investors and rehabbers
that have been in the South Florida market for about 20 years!
The BREIA headquarters is not only where daily one on one coaching sessions are given, but there is also a
large classroom for the student support classes that range from marketing strategies to roll playing sessions
to learn how to actually talk to sellers. There are even classes given by some of the corporate members of
BREIA like the HUD class and how to do a proper closing when selling a property. Both the Broward REIA and
the Miami Dade REIA are accredited chapters of the National REIA. They are the only members of the
National REIA in South Florida, and with the collective effort of the NREIA’s 155,000 members nationwide, the
BREIA mentor students have more knowledge and experience available to them then they will ever need.
So be wise when making a commitment to any mentor. Get out your checklist and don’t be afraid to put the
mentor to the test. Anyone that fails or doesn’t feel comfortable with you questioning them is probably not
confident about what they can teach you.
R yan Kuhlman (left) BREIA / MDREIA President / Lead Mentor and Anish Dave (right) owner and lead mentor
for the program, giving Antonio Lopez,(center) the head coach of BREIA, a $57,000 check on a rehab project
they partnered on when he was still a student