2 .Your Mentor Has To Have Experience In Your Market!
If you are going to flip houses in Houston Texas, don’t you think it would make sense to have a mentor that
actually flips houses in Houston? Of course it makes more sense. The South Florida market is very different
than other markets. There are some general characteristics and basic principles that are the same no matter
where you are flipping houses, but not enough to lead you down the path of success. Even some of the small
details, like how the City of Miami Gardens requires a new Certificate of Occupancy issued when you buy the
house. This process is determined by Code Enforcement performing an inspection of the property. If the
house fails the inspection, you cannot
purchase the property to flip it so you
potentially just lost your profit. There are
different rules and regulations imposed by
different city and county governing bodies.
There are different contracts that are used
in different states. There are even different
cultures that exist as microcosms within a
city or state that can mandate how one is
received by sellers and buyers. If your
mentor doesn’t know their way around, they
cannot guide you!
3.Your Mentor Has To Have A Functioning Network!
If someone has the necessary
experience and knowledge to
mentor you, then they will have all
the connections you need to
eventually build your own team.
From contractors, to real estate
companies, you will need trusted
experts in your area. As they say; it
is all in who you know!