Spend Your Cash Wisely when Money is Tight
This is a time when you need to be smart with your money and your resources. Here are some more tips for
• Make sure your lists are laser focused. Don’t get too broad. You want to make each mail piece count since
they are costing you money.
• Don’t forget about follow up. Go back through all your leads in the past 12 months. Look at all those who said
no. Maybe they are ready to say yes now at the end of the year.
• Get to work on that stack of direct mail. Do you know someone that has TLO or another similar service that
might split the cost for one month to check all of those returned mail pieces?
• Are there additional real estate niches where you look for opportunities? Think tired landlords, pre
foreclosures, houses with code citations, etc.
• Remember time and circumstances change all things. This is certainly true of motivated sellers. Just because
a seller told you no before, they might just have meant “not now”.
Don’t Stop Marketing During the Holidays
This is probably the biggest mistake investors make. They stop marketing during the holidays. You can take
advantage of that, but doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. This is a good time to look for
opportunities where other investors dropped the ball.
Final Thoughts
It’s great to do a marketing brain
dump every now and then. Maybe
there is something you used to do
that you stopped doing. Do whatever
it takes to stay in the game.
Get creative and see what you can
come up with.