REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 37 | Page 42

So What Can You do If Your Business is starved for Cash ?
Let ’ s put it another way .
When you can ’ t seem to get a deal no matter what , most investors stop marketing to conserve cash . But I can tell you that your business will die a quick and painful death if you do this . You may have to change the way you ’ re marketing , but whatever you do , don ’ t stop marketing when times are tough .

So What Can You do If Your Business is starved for Cash ?

There are a lot of things you can do but here are some suggestions :
• Networking is free ( or almost free ). Get out every day and talk to people . Be sure you have business cards . You can get affordable business cards at Vista Print .
• What can you cut out to have money for marketing over the next couple of months for direct mail and other things that have a cost associated with them ? Do as much marketing as you possibly can .
• Can you partner with someone ? Offer to go look at houses and make offers for someone that has cash for marketing , but maybe has small children and little time .
• What about spending the day in eviction court ? You ’ re sure to find some tired landlords there .
• Get a list and call prospects . You ’ re already paying for your phone , so why not put it to good use ?
• Go driving for dollars . Do some door­knocking to find out who lives in that vacant house .
There are a lot of marketing strategies that cost nothing more than your time .
I can tell you this for sure ; it ’ s these times when “ average ” investors close up shop . Just keep plugging away . Don ’ t stop marketing and you will come out way ahead of your competitors over time .