REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 32 | Page 25

Getting Access to Leads

Getting Access to Leads

Knowing that probate , divorce and bankruptcy leads can give you a fresh stream of information to identify properties is one thing . Knowing how to get access to the leads is another . Professional lead services , such as industry leader U . S . Probate Leads , has teams of dedicated , trained lead evaluators that go out to each county in the United States to find leads that are viable and timely . Once these leads are collected , they can be ordered and sent right to your inbox . What is the benefit ? You don ’ t have to spend time , burn your gas or feel frustrated at the complex paperwork handled in a courthouse and you can spend time completing the core operations of your business by visiting new properties . For more information on how to get access to leads , contact U . S . Probate Leads today by visiting the website at www . usprobateleads . com .
Sources :
1 http :// realtormag . realtor . org / news­and­commentary / economy / article / 2012 / 11 / seeds­housing­shortage
2 http :// realtormag . realtor . org / news­and­commentary / economy / article / 2012 / 11 / seeds­housing­shortage
3 http :// www . steamfeed . com / housing­inventory­shortage­leads­to­hot­demand­for­smartzips­big­data­analytics /
4 http :// realtormag . realtor . org / news­and­commentary / economy / article / 2012 / 11 / seeds­housing­shortage
5 http :// communityimpact . com / 2015 / 05 / 06 / low­inventories­labor­shortages­contribute­to­rising­home­prices /
6 http :// communityimpact . com / 2015 / 05 / 06 / low­inventories­labor­shortages­contribute­to­rising­home­prices /
7 http :// realtormag . realtor . org / news­and­commentary / economy / article / 2012 / 11 / seeds­housing­shortage