refuses to sign their end of the agreement. This can
happen. Ask your attorney to look at the purchase
agreement and make modifications to include an
escape clause if necessary.
Finally, consider bankruptcy leads as another
great way to find discounted property to purchase
for your portfolio. Individuals that are going
bankrupt need to sell property in order to satisfy
the court and eliminate any creditors. This is the
way that they get a fresh start. These
proceedings offer a way for you to find amazing
deals on property.
can be significant – thirty percent to fifty percent off
of the current market value. What this means for
The sale of bankruptcy properties may be guided
investors is that they can find homes in good
by the local court district. If that is the case, then
neighborhoods that can be purchased well below the
the purchase agreement may have language in it
price they would have to pay on another property.
that you simply aren’t familiar with. Take the time
to have your attorney look over the materials to
Divorce leads are another option in today’s
ensure that you understand what it requires
challenging real estate market. When couples want
before you sign the paperwork. Once you have
to separate permanently, the court will often order
purchased a few properties through bankruptcy,
homes and other property to be sold. In order to get
you will be familiar with the process and the
the home sold as quickly as possible so that the
language that is involved.
proceedings can be finalized, many couples choose
to take a much lower price than they normally would
consider. This provides an opportunity for real estate
and personal property investors who simply want to
find properties at a lower price to add to their
One caution in working with divorcing couples is that
their personal feelings can get in the way of the
closing. Ensure that there is language in the
purchase agreement that details what happens (and
how you can get out of the deal) if one of the parties