Regional Open Innovation Campus (ROIC) ROIC_e-book | Page 22

Key Partners ROLE Industry Private sector enterprises, such as commercial banks, investment funds with a focus on innovation projects, Sovereign Wealth Funds, and VC funds will fund the operation of ROIC and technology development life cycles within the Campus. Private sector organizations can also be capable of providing a number of value-adding services to the occupants, such as support for marketing, recruitment, access to external finances, such as venture capital and business angel investments, establishing networks with other companies and/or universities, developing business plans, business education and training. Thus contributing to the governments objective of encouraging SME development in the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) sector. Another important aspect of Industry engagement is that MNCs will create their R&D centers within ROIC while using (renting) ROIC lab facilities and giving industrial order to researchers and experts working in the labs. The bigger benefit of this could be the creation of demand-driven research & innovation, which will further close the gap between uzniversity/research institutions and the industry.