Region 4 Fourcaster August 2013 | Page 19

DIAMOND JUBILEE CHORUS, MIDDLETOWN, OHIO On June 4, 2013 we celebrated our new friends and Adeline family with a Charter Party. After all the hustle and bustle of organizing a new chapter and then preparing for competition, it was time to celebrate our charter and all we had accomplished. Plus it is always time for a party. Entertainment included the chorus and our own Gingersnaps quartet, food was plentiful and fantastic. Adelines can cook! We had an opportunity to recognize friends, members and spouses who worked so hard getting our rehearsal hall presentable (it started out as a royal wreck!). Thank you to Jean Barford, Melissa Barford, Kimberly Bell, Dixie DeWees, Frances and Jerry Edwards, Becky Frantz, Roxy Hensley, Marianna and Tom Keithley, Kristie Keithley, Rob Keithley, Judy and Roger Lee, and Tina and Robert Stump. We appreciate all you did to make the dream a reality. We are also indebted to the costume committee and their many helpers that in very short time made our competition costumes, our choreographers (bless them for their patience and not cutting off our extra “left feet”) and of course our assistant directors Bev Hyden and Rose Mary Courts and coach Bryan Barford. Special recognition and thanks were also extended to: Choreographers—Beth McGuire and Melissa Barford; Makeup—Sandy Powers and Karen Walker; Special Sewers—Becky Frantz and Frances Edwards. A standing ovation and huge thank you for all his work on our behalf went to Rob Keithley. We also would like to express our thanks to Jean Barford, our amazing director, teacher, guide, mentor, and role model. You are the best! Later that week, many of us traveled to Kings Island to hear Darlene Rogers shower us with wonderful ideas, knowledge and words of wisdom. What a spectacular weekend! Happily there were many of us there taking notes and soaking it all in. Thank you, Region 4 RMT, for a great educational and fun experience! Clockwise from top: Bev Miller (Capital City Chorus), Deb Bringman (Gem City Chorus), Natalie Allen (Harmony Hills Chorus), Jen Cooke (Scenic City Chorus) FOURCASTER Page 19