All Aboard!
Capital City Chorus is moving full-steam ahead. We feel as though we’re on board an express train bound for FABULOUS! We are learning a lot of new music, building a new website, looking at new ways to market the chorus and new ways to build our membership. We have a brand new visual team who just got back from an inspiring and fun conference in Toronto with Erin Howden, and are planning some spectacular new choreo. We are also having a lot of fun in our weekly rehearsals, fun warm ups, fun banter, fun movement activities…this article is brought to you by the words “new” and “fun!” Our own wonderful iTones are gearing up to go to Hawaii. They are endeavoring to raise the funds they need. They have been singing for choruses all over town and “Flat” Fran Furtner is popping up in the strangest places. Just take a look at their Facebook page (iTones Quartet) if you’re wondering where “Flat” Fran will be next. The rest of us are working hard on plans for Baltimore in 2014. We have accepted the wild card invitation, and new music is at the top of our agenda this month and next. CCC will be “Bowling for Barbershop!!” When we first heard about it, I’ll have to admit, we were uncertain about the bowling aspect of “BOWLING for Barbershop,” but CCC is always up for a challenge. As you can see from the photo, not many of our members consider themselves to be bowlers. Well, none actually. But if we HAVE to bowl, then we shall do so in style, and in sequins. The first B4B funds are in and we’re busy working on our bowl-a-thon event plans. We are excited about this novel fundraising avenue. We will be allocating the money raised to our Baltimore fund. Some choruses are already counting their donations by the thousands; we hope to be one of them. If you haven’t signed up yet, go check it out. Fall will be Flinging itself upon us before we know it. CCC can’t wait to learn from the eminent Dale Syverson, and we are looking forward to singing for and with our friends in Region 4, in September. Capital City’s 2013/14 full-color magazine should be back from the printers by then. Can’t wait to see it and to get it out to people at our shows and beyond. See you at the next station!
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