Then there was the Kwerky Kwartet Kontest. Our Kwartet Performers made us proud (or was that embarrassed us, I always get those two confused!!!)
Next on the agenda was our first annual K-Town Sound Picnic!! What a feast! Our mighty awesome Director’s hubby was in charge of the grill. Kellie’s sweet husband, Jimmy Phifer, did a FINE job grillin’ up all the hot dogs and hamburgers – deleesh! And if it’s one thing this chorus can do, well, besides sing well and EAT well, it’s COOK well. We had some great eats and had a really nice time just visiting, relaxing, and enjoying KTS’s sisterhood of harmony. Next it’s on to Fall Fling with the incomparable Dale Syverson. WOW!!! How exciting and great is that gonna be?!?!? Oh, and don’t miss the Show of Champions Saturday night. K-Town Sound will be performing and making our “debut” performance in Region 4! THEN it’s back to work. We’ve got our 2nd Annual Show coming up on Saturday, October 12, with featured guest quartet, Dream. It ought to be a great show. Please email [email protected] for more info. We’ll, of course, post more info on our show the closer it gets to show time. Whew!!! That’s all for now. No, wait a minute, I completely forgot all about all the wonderful coaches we’ve got lined up to come in and share their knowledge with us and get us whipped into shape for Contest 2014. Let’s see, we’ve got Janet Poley from Song of Atlanta, who is in the Judging Program as an Expression Judge, sessions with the amazing Kim Wonders, Master Director of Metro Nashville, and of course, the mighty awesome Becki Hine, Master 700 Director of Song of Atlanta Show Chorus, will be with us again this year in February for our retreat. Lucky KTS has been able to “win” an all day coaching session with Becki three years in a row now and we feel so lucky and ecstatic to have her again this year for our third annual retreat. It is just the neatest thing to “win a whole person” in a YWIH Silent Auction!!! YIPPEE!!! Stay tuned, though, there’s always going to be more to come from Knoxville, Tennessee, and K-Town Sound Show Chorus!
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