REGINA Magazine 24 | Page 39

Now how do you sacrifice? By prayer and mortification of self. You as a man must die to self. How, so that you can allow God to increase and so that you can place your Beloved wife before God pure and blemish free. As Ephesian 5 says. Fasting for her, saying the rosary for her, attending mass for her, attending adoration for her. This is what True Men, Authentic Men, True Men Of Courage do. They die and win her heart a little each day! Yes?

This is how you change the family, this is how you change the Church, this is how you change the country, this is how you change the World: BUILD A LEGENDARY MARRIAGE! This is Catholic, this is True Man. This is Christ!

REGINA: Regarding men’s leadership roles within the Church - when and where and how to pick battles on stewardship, evangelization, liturgy, etc. Are these battles necessary?

JERRY: Change the men, change the world! All the stuff you just mentioned means nothing if men don't understand what Authentic Manliness is. They will do what they think it is and then proceed to screw it up!

Men must be challenged to great and be warriors and stop being wusses. This is what Christ needs! Warriors not Wusses. This is a battle out here. And it must be fought spiritually!

Men must understand that their marriage is the most important relationship on this earth besides God. Then everything else proceeds from there. Right now most all of us are selfish and ignorant of our roles as men.

Until you change that, The Church, the country and the family and the world really mean nothing to them and won't really change much.

Oh yes it will change, for Satan and for the worse!

(EDITOR’S NOTE: For those interested in attending, the third annual Church Militant Conference will be held on August 5 in Sterling Heights, MI. More info HERE.)

Jerry’s blog ‘mentors men in their marriage’ at