ReggaeXclusive Summer 2018 | Page 20



Trisha Smith R . H . N , C . H www . aderoherbals . com

It ’ s that time again ! Winter ’ s hibernation period is over and now it ’ s the season for beaches , parties and BBQ ’ s . Everyone wants to look their best , men and women alike , so the fitness gyms are packed and the salad binging has begun . This route has deemed successful for many but for others it ’ s just not enough . I want to a share a couple of alternative tips with you that can help you speed up the slimming and toning process for the summer .

Boost your metabolism : Your metabolism is the rate at which substances are broken down in order to yield energy . In other words , how fast you burn calories . A lot of people have a slow metabolism which makes them gain weight fast without having to eat much . Some ways to boost your metabolism include taking Apple Cider Vinegar . You can sprinkle some on your salad or dilute 3 tbsp . in an ounce of water in the morning and at night . Apple cider vinegar is also known to supress appetite and alkalize the body . Some herbs that will also help boost your metabolism include Ginseng , Ginger , Green Tea and Cayenne Pepper . Implementing these strategies while doing high intensity workouts weekly will assist the weight loss process . Avoiding all dairy , wheat ( gluten ), sugar and increasing your fibre and water intake are also helpful ways to decrease the amount of mucus in the body and can help to avoid hunger strikes .
Another strategy that can help you slim down for the summer include following a food combining chart and taking a digestive enzyme supplement to increase absorption and assimilation . When you combine the wrong foods ( like starch and protein ), it can cause fermentation in the gut , which can lead to bloating , gas and undigested food particles in the body . This will in turn trigger weight gain , hunger and / or fatigue as you are not feeding your cells what it needs to function properly . When foods are combined properly , your body will absorb what it needs and excrete what it doesn ’ t in an efficient way . To see a food combining chart and get some helpful weight loss recipes visit my website blog at www . aderoherbals . com . and Love .
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