Photo : John Sturrock
A vibrant , mixed-use development and business quarter for London
Battersea Power Station ( BPS ) is at the heart of one of central London ’ s largest , most visionary and eagerly anticipated new developments , which will see this vast 42-acre ( over 8 million sq ft ) former industrial brownfield site become home to a community of homes , shops , cafes , offices and over 19 acres of public space . The outline planning application masterplan for the site was approved by Wandsworth Council and the Mayor of London in 2010 and approved by the Secretary of State and permission granted in August 2011 .
The £ 9bn project will see the creation of a vibrant , mixed-use development , a new neighbourhood and business quarter for London serviced by an extension to the London Underground Northern Line and the restoration of the Grade II * listed Power Station . Battersea Power Station contributed over £ 300m to the NLE , which was guaranteed by the former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne in the Autumn Statement of November 2012 .
The overall project is divided into eight phases , with each designed by a range of specialist architects . These include SimpsonHaugh and Partners and De Rijke Marsh Morgan ( dRMM ) in Circus West Village ( Phase 1 ),
WilkinsonEyre in Battersea Power Station ( Phase 2 ), and Foster + Partners and Gehry Partners in Electric Boulevard , Battersea Roof Gardens and Prospect Place ( Phase 3 ).
Construction work officially began with Phase 1 on July 4th , 2013 , which marked the 80th anniversary of this historic building first generating power . The Power Station itself will open for the first time to the public from Autumn 2022 .
25,000 people will be living and working on site when complete , creating one of London ’ s largest office , retail , leisure and cultural quarters . BPS will be a
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