Refurbishment & Restore
Our Team
Editor-in-Chief Antony Holter T : 01304 806039 E : editor @ mhmagazine . co . uk
Editorial Manager Claire Morgan T : 01304 806039 E : claire @ refurbandrestore . co . uk
Editorial Manager Chris Nicholls T : 0203 9079161 E : chris @ refurbandrestore . co . uk
Sales Director Amy Wright T : 01227 392575 E : amy @ refurbandrestoremag . co . uk
Sales Manager Hannah Johnson E : hannah @ refurbandrestoremag . co . uk
Business Manager Josh Holmes T : 01304 806039 E : josh @ mhmagazine . co . uk
Publishing Director Martin Holmes T : 01304 806039 E : martin @ mhmagazine . co . uk
4-8 Battersea Power Station
A vibrant , mixed-use development and business quarter for London
16-19 Hoyt Architechten
A rare church to Apartments Transformation in the heart of Rotterdam
24-25 Renovation of House X
Returning a building back to the pure expression of the spatial structure
32-25 School House renovation
Reworking a historic home , set amongst a tiny village and church
40-43 The Burrell Collection
Creating a new gateway for Clemson University
Accounts Lauren Marchant T : 01304 806039 E : lauren @ mhmagazine . co . uk
MH Media Global Ltd Innovation House , Discovery Park , Ramsgate Road , Sandwich , Kent , CT13 9FD
Cover Image Courtesy of Taran Wilkhu
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Refurbishment & Restore however , the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by advertisers , manufacturers or contributors . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , mechanical , electronic ( including photocopying ) or stored in any information retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher .
Featured Categories
Editor ’ s Choice |
8-14 |
Bathrooms & Kitchens |
20-21 |
Coatings , Sealants & Paints |
22-23 |
Doors , Windows & Fittings |
26-30 |
Heating & Ventilation |
36-39 |
Interiors & Interior Design |
44-52 |
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