Reunion Notes
Kathleen Sheldon Johnson (DET)
lives in Alpena where she is a child/adult
care instructor in the public school, a
unique position in which “I have the
privilege of working with high school
students and pre-school students
simultaneously in a hands-on setting.
This makes learning so valid.”
plan to return to FIA. Nick works at Delta
USA Corp. as a computer-aided designer.
Elizabeth Vasher McKeever is stationed
with the U.S. Army in Katterbach,
Germany, as a UH-60 Blackhawk pilot in
a command aviation platoon, flying VIP
and electronic warfare missions. She has a
three-year-old daughter, Adara.
Lisa Lauber Jorgensen of Toledo “left
my job as an admissions counselor at
Siena in 1995 to pursue a master’s in
organizational communication.
Completed the degree in December
1996. Have been at COIN Educational
Products, a company that develops and
distributes career guidance materials for
grades K-12. Have also taught English
comp at Monroe County Community
College. My #1 joy: marrying my best
friend Sean ‘95 on June 21, 1997.”
Cynthia Willet Kojima teaches English
conversation in Japan, where she and her
husband have lived since 1996. “Thank
goodness I learned people skills in the
counseling program (‘95/MA) and
business knowledge in the business
administration program because I teach
people in all walks of life and of all ages.
The most fun is in teaching 94 nursing
students to say ‘how are you feeling’ with
feeling and, in the same day, telling
worried salarymen that they should spend
their yen instead of hiding it in the bank
if they want to save Japan! Believe it or
not, there are many reminders of
Michigan in this area. Michigan is the
sister state of Shiga (my prefecture) and
my city, Otsu, is the sister city of
Lansing. Of course, because of the
Moriyama-Adrian relationship, I am
invited to participate in many of
Moriyama’s official receptions