Reunion Notes
zational development consultant.
for six years starting at Hillsdale and
now at Siena. Mostly I’m a full-time
wife and mother. Mike and I have a
daughter, Madison, and a son, Mitchell,
and are expecting our third child in
December. Mike and I play a lot of
indoor and beach volleyball as well as
indoor and outdoor soccer. We spend all
of our spare time with our kids,
camping, going on outings or just
hanging out.”
Darwin Douglas Parks is city manager
for the City of Richmond. “Received a
graduate assistantship to Oakland U. in
1988; completed 34 of 40 credits toward
an MPA and am planning to return to
complete the degree.” Along the way, he
has served as director of community
services in Wixom and as city manager
for Litchfield, Linden, Oxford and
Standish before coming to Richmond.
Craig Sellers is a podiatrist with Family
Foot & Ankle Associates, Inc., in
Findlay, OH, where he lives with his
wife, Maria.
Charles Stewart lives in Adrian and
works in Ann Arbor as a network
administrator. Highlights of the past 10
years include a Caribbean cruise and
having his daughter attend Siena
(anticipated graduation this December).
His son currently attends JCC.
Mark Valade lives in Richmond, CA,
where he is a “small business consultant
and body worker (I work @ home!!)
Highlights of the past decade? Met my
soulmate in China (she’s not Chinese
though) in 1996. Moved to San
Francisco 1997. Traveled to Israel 1997.
Bought a house 1997. Got my dog