Redi-Kit Sample Shipping: Common Q&A's | Page 2

REDI-KIT SAMPLE SHIPPING PROGRAM: COMMON Q&A'S REDI-KIT SAMPLE SHIPPING PROGRAM COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. How do I use my login info to notify FedEx? A. We have populated most of the record for you already! Go to and it's easy to ship. Sometimes you will need to use the drop down buttons and select what was entered—you don't have to retype it. 1. click create shipment 2. complete shipping information 3. fill in your reference number ( hospital patient id or barcode number ) 4. optional email notification 5. click ship Blood Center Enterprises CUSTOMER SERVICE • 310 EAST 67 TH STREET • NEW YORK, NY 10065 • 855.552.5663 I N N O VA T I O N EXPERIENCE EXPERTISE NYBC.ORG