2023 Competitiveness Redbook 2023 | Page 7

Venture Capital Investment ............................ 30 Overall R & D Spending ................................ 31 R & D Per Capita by Performing Sector ..................... 32 Science , Engineering and Health Doctorates Awarded ........ 33 Educational Attainment of Population 25 and Older .......... 34
Higher Education Total Fall Enrollment as Percentage of Population : Public vs . Private ....................... 35
Fall Enrollment as Percentage of Population : Public .......... 36 Fall Enrollment as Percentage of Population : Private .......... 37 Fall Enrollment in Private For-Profit and Non-Profit Colleges ..... 38 Import / Export Ratio of College-Bound High School Graduates .... 39 National Assessment of Educational Progress ............... 40 Estimated Public School Spending Per Pupil ................ 41 Average Retail Price Per KwH for Industrial Customers ......... 42 Average Retail Price Per KwH for Commercial Customers ....... 43 Average Retail Price Per KwH for Residential Customers ....... 44 Generation of Energy Resources ...................... 45 A / B Metropolitan Commuting .......................... 46 A / B Airport On-Time Performance .......................... 47 State Expenditures on Roadways ........................ 48 Health Care Expenditures Per Capita ..................... 49 Percentage Without Health Insurance by State .............. 50
Percent of Privately Insured Persons with Employment-Based Insurance ........................ 51
State and Local Government Health and Hospital Spending ..... 52 Occupational Injury and Illness Incidence .................. 53 Partisan Composition of State Governments ............... 54 Housing Price Appreciation ............................ 55 Home Ownership Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Metropolitan Median House Price to Median Income Ratio ..... 57 Population and Change in Population by County ............ 58 Per Capita Personal Income By WA County ................ 59