Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 39

foods, meat, dairy products, unhealthy fat, and salt leads to a whole host of diseases, not to mention digestive woes ranging from heartburn to colitis to irritable bowel syn- drome to acid reflux (to name just a few!). Red smoothies give your body a much-needed break from all of these sub- stances, helping to clear the sludge from your intestines and colon and letting the body reset its delicate digestive balance.  Easy to Make Red smoothies are so easy to make that you may wonder where they’ve been all your life! If you lead a busy lifestyle as so many of us do, then you will appreciate the five-min- ute prep time and quick cleanup. You can speed the process up even more by using frozen fruit, prepping your fruits in advance, or using greens that have been pre-washed.  Recipes, Recipes, and More Recipes! There are 28 red smoothie recipes in this book, and many more are available online, from a variety of sites. You’ll also find other colorful recipes that will keep your taste buds engaged, meaning you’ll never get bored with your smoothie habit. There are so many wonderful combina- tions to try that you can easily enjoy something different each and every day, still without making a huge effort! Once you are comfortable with smoothies, you will probably find yourself making some new creations of your own! Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller [email protected] 39