Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 34

foods that provide your body with a real boost while add- ing incredible, exotic flavors you’ll find irresistible. Note that I have nothing against green smoothies – in fact, I rec- ommend them to my clients and have written extensively about them! It’s just that when the focus is all on green, there are many nutrients that might not make it into your diet. 10 Awesome Reasons to Enjoy Red Smoothies I skimmed a few benefits of red smoothies in the previous chapter, and you might already have some great reasons of your own to add to the ones I listed. Let’s take a closer look.  Detoxiication Your body has its own mechanisms for removing toxins, but overexposure causes a burden, slowing the detoxifica- tion process. By drinking red smoothies, you can give your body some help with detoxification, making it much easier to eliminate the toxins that lead to weight gain and harm your wellbeing. Detoxification helps you live better and happier, and it can also help you live a longer life. How does this work? We’re always breathing air, drinking water and other beverages, and of course, eating our favor- ite foods. But what happens after the body extracts what it needs from the particles we ingest? Digestion results in Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller 34