Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 31

20 or higher: A detox will benefit you significantly, leading to weight loss and a vast improvement in vitality. Between 5 and 19: A detox will deliver greater health and improved vitality. Detoxification symptoms may be less pronounced for you than for someone with a greater toxic load. Less than 5: It looks like you are already taking good care of yourself, and your toxic load is probably lower than aver- age. Adding red smoothies will help you feel even better! When the body is overloaded with toxins, it stores them inside fat cells. Because these cells aren’t easily broken down, the body’s toxic load just gets heavier and heavier. As that load increases, problems like the ones outlined above increase. The 14-day red smoothie detox plan is a simple, stream- lined way to transform your health and make life more pleasurable. Here’s how it works: 1. Each morning, you’ll prepare an entire day’s worth of red smoothie, pack it up, and take it along with you. You can either sip on it as you feel hungry, or you can drink about one-third every three to four hours, until you’ve consumed up to 60 ounces of the blend. 2. Snack on crunchy veggies and fruits such as carrots, cucumber slices, celery, apples, and pears through- out the day. If you find that you’re feeling hungrier than usual, have a hard-boiled egg, a handful of raw, unsalted seeds or nuts, or a little unsweetened pea- Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller [email protected] 31