Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 28

Am I a Good Candidate for the Red Smoothie Cleanse ?

This quick quiz will help you to determine whether your body is carrying more toxins that it can handle without some help from you . Read each of the questions below and give yourself one point for each “ yes .”
 Do you sleep less than eight hours nightly ?
 Do you use artificial sweeteners or drink diet sodas daily ?
 Do you eat fast food or processed foods such as lunchmeat , canned soup , meal replacement bars , or frozen dinners at least three times per week ?
 Do you often crave things like bread , pasta , potatoes , white rice , and sweets ?
 Do you drink less than 64 ounces of water daily ?  Do you have any silver-colored fillings ?  Do you suffer from frequent yeast infections ?
 Do you smoke , or are you exposed to secondhand smoke ?
 Are you a former smoker , or have you ever been exposed to secondhand smoke ?
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller 28 support @ redsmoothiedetoxfactor . com