Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 21
All that happened about 20 years ago, back before Amer-
ica’s obesity crisis was really out of hand. I was someone
unusual – a young woman with a serious weight problem
and lots of impending health issues to go along with it.
Now, I see that stressed, binge-prone girl in so many of my
patients, and my colleagues and I agree that this may be
the first generation to live shorter, unhealthier lives than
their parents.
Anyway, I digress. By the time spring break arrived a year
later (I was a junior) I was 30 pounds into the “obese” cat-
egory. I did well on my semester finals, but not well enough
to satisfy the perfectionist inside me; in fact, I lost my mind
and binged on everything in sight. During one memorable
binge session, I gorged on a huge pizza with loads of meat
and cheese. I downed cheesy garlic bread, along with buf-
falo wings and the blue cheese dressing that came with
them. Then, I drank an entire two-liter bottle of diet soda.
In my craze, I thought that would somehow make things
The more I drank diet soda instead of having nourishing
foods like the ones I’m about to introduce you to, the worse
I felt. In fact, the hungrier and more crazed with cravings I
became! Although I looked and felt like a python that swal-
lowed an entire goat, I was still hungry. I kept on eating. In
the morning, I felt like I had survived the worst day of my life.
Yes, I’d survived, but things were about to get even worse. I
decided to go on a college-sponsored summer trip to Peru,
a place I’d always wanted to go. I was bursting out of my
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller
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