The Music therapy is a cience used in treatment of healthy problems, welfare, and quality of life, in a social and clinical context. It is based in the music integrated into the educacion, medicine, philosophy, psicology, and others. This type of therapy search through prevention, reability or treatment of diseases, the development of potencials and the restauration of functions of the individual, so that the pacient to reach a better quality of life.Music therapy can be used in a lot of areas like in hospitals to pain management, emocional support, and even from the pregnancy to childbirth! Besides that, it is used to pacients with psicological problems, to patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, and the most interesting is the use for treatment of pathologies currently presented in the armed forces like posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury where the technical used is music composition, that creates a safe environment for the pacient work your traumas and make them like a more pleasant memories.