red-book-kit-v7-DOWNLOAD.pdf Jul. 2014 | Page 5

Red Book Print Advertising Opportunities Since the 1930s, The Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace® and The Red Book Online at serve as an authoritative print and online venue for advertisers to reach out to all sectors of the municipal marketplace, including issuers. Each day, senior decision makers and government officials rely on the information inside The Red Book to form new business partnerships and create new deals. CREDIT ENHANCERS Advertising in print and online will build your organization’s brand awareness, create new relationships and generate leads. Four-Color Premium Positions Grab the attention of this exclusive subscriber base with these four-color premium positions: Front Cover Spine Back Cover Furnished Bind-Ins Bind-Ins* Belly Band* Sticker for Shipping Box* Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover *Printed by Accuity The Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace® Fall 2013 735 Section Opening Ad size 5.125” x 7.25” Furnished Bind-In (printed in four-color on both sides) Page size 6 1/8” x 9” /5 For More Information [email protected] / +1 847 676 9600