red-book-kit-v7-DOWNLOAD.pdf Jul. 2014 | Page 4

The Red Book Audience and Member Firms The Red Book subscribers include top-level decision makers throughout the country, who consider The Red Book a critical tool of the municipal market. Readership by Business Type Circulation 6,500 20,000 4% Industry Suppliers 13% Issuers and other market segments 48% Dealers and Underwriters, Financial Institutions 35% Attorneys, Municipal Advisors, Arbitrage Rebate Readership by Job Title Total Readership 8% Partner/Principal 5% C-Level 33% Vice President The Red Book is used daily by participants in the municipal market. The Red Book is on the desk of key municipal bond decision makers. 27% Other 27% Executive/Director Who’s Listed Inside The Red Book? 8% Public Fund Managers, Derivative Specialists, Credit Enhancers, Arbitrage Rebate, Rating Agencies 11% Municipal Advisors, Municipal Leasing Professionals 5% Regulators, Associations, Industry Suppliers 33% Dealers and Underwriters 11% Issuers 32% Attorneys /4 For More Information [email protected] / +1 847 676 9600 The Red Book includes sell side participants in the municipal bond marketplace.