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Give Him Some Credit One Man’s Quest for Perfection. by Hannah Ash L now the perfect credit score (not 850), and that’s what he wants; he wants to get you thinking differently about credit. The ambitious CEO of Grayson Financial Services and The 990 Club believes that a credit score of 990 is a goal well worth setting (and achiev- ing). Dr. Grayson is a man on a mission and his mission is to empower Amer- icans to acquire financial literacy and excellent credit. In this economy, his message of hope is both a rarity and a beacon of light. “Do you know what FICO stands for?” Dr. Grayson asks. That most peo- ple can’t answer this question, he says, is indicative of a problem. Dr. Grayson believes that as a country, we need to acquire a richer understanding of how the current credit scoring system works and what we can do to improve or perfect our scores. He is eager to point out that in the year 2000, a new credit regime quietly took over and rewrote the age-old model….too quietly, he im- plies. In previous years, he begins, “As long as you paid your bills on time, you could expect to have good credit...but in 2000, that changed.” ong after everyone else has taken off for the weekend, Dr. Michael C. Grayson enthusiastically discusses the ins and outs of credit from his empty New York office. Dr. Grayson’s finance and credit service, The 990 Club, was inspired by a rather lofty goal; to help his clients achieve the perfect 990 credit score. 990? He knows it may surprise you to learn that 990 is A mericans, and their credit scores, now fall under the FICO-based system; FICO, or the Fair Isaac Corporation, scores are calculated based upon the length of credit history, amount of money owed, types of credit and newly opened credit while the payment history is a mere 35% of the score. What this means, Dr. Grayson concludes, is that a millionaire many times over who always pays her bills PAGE 30 • 2014