Realty411 Magazine Featuring Missy McCall-Hammonds | Page 29

Missy McCall-Hammonds’ Great Glass Elevator How One Woman Flew Far Above the Corporate Glass Ceiling. F or Missy McCall-Hammonds, the corporate world in which she worked didn’t just hinder women’s advancement with the proverbial glass ceiling -- it locked them in a “glass box” as she succinctly put it. Rather than go on suffocating in career-stunting solitude, Missy thought differently and, after graduating with what she playfully describes as her “self-taught Ph.D.,” she left her corporate career behind and created an original, provocative, and quite frankly, ingenious business concept: boil property acquisition and landlording down to a science to yield maximum return on investments. Missy specializes in true turnkey invest- ment - and specialization is an understatement! Missy McCall-Hammonds buys, sells, and manages hundreds of fully rehabbed “rent-ready” properties to investors from all over the world - and she does it very well. Among her many goals, she aims to raise the standards of investing and the transparency of what landlording is in terms of its visibility and professionalism. One way she is doing that is through her version of “Crazy Cash Flow” investing. Missy’s unique investment strategy allows buyers to own fully renovated rental property without the hassles and headaches. The investor is given a one year warranty against property vacancies and all of the big ticket maintenance items that can impact the bottom line. This strategy appeals to out-of-state and overseas investors, as financial risks are minimized. While this is a somewhat oversimplified explanation of what Missy PAGE 29 • 2014 >