Real Math talk good practice examples of mathematics | Page 14
4. Students divide in a group of four and choose their group captain (it happens at the beginning of
the class, entering the classroom they take a different figure of the surface and under it joins the
group). The teacher delivers tasks and spatial figures (football ball, basketball ball, regular
quadrangular pyramid, regular triangle pyramid). Having received tasks and spatial figures students
have to organize their working plan themselves, share their tasks (they have to measure necessary
size of spatial figures, apply formulas, round off the results). There are usually 6 groups in the class
and tasks are in two different options, the captain writes answers on the board at the end of the class
and the tasks are analyzed; what was difficult or easy, where mistakes were made and why).
5. Task ‘spatial figures around us’
1 st option (quadrangles: small quadrat, rectangular, parallelogram)
1. How much do we use cardboard to make this quadrangular pyramid? What is the size of the
pyramid? (the answer should be presented in centimeters).
2. How much leather do we need for a football ball, if you use 5% of the area for hems. What is the
area of the ball (presenting in centimeters)?
3. Create the task with cone and solve it.
(1 point – for the task, 2 points – two – steps task, 1 point – one step task) 2p or 3p
2 nd option (triangle: equilateral, equilibrium, status)
1. How much cardboard do we need to make a regular triangular pyramid? What is its size
(presenting in centimeters)?
2. How much leather do you need for a basketball ball, if you use 2% of the area for hems. What is
the area of the ball (presenting in centimeters)?
3. Create the task with a cylinder and solve it.
(1 point – for the task, 2 points – two – steps task, 1 point – one step task). 2p or 3 p
6. Presentation of the work, analysis, self-estimation, reflection.
The captain from each group writes answers of the tasks on the board and these tasks are analyzed
(what was easy, difficult and if they made mistakes all students discuss where is a mistake and why
it happened. Counting points and students are assessed.
7. Homework and discussion on the tasks of homework.
- Count how many cubic meters of air is in your room?
- How many wallpapers do you need to put on the walls in your room?
- How much do you pay for (glue, wallpaper, may be used internet shops)?