Real Life Real Faith Wisdom for Everyday Life January Issue | Page 14
Real Life Real Faith
Jamesina Greene
I grew up in a home where Faith was the foundation. Faith was spoken of daily. It was taught, preached and
manifested without hesitation. Both of my parents were preachers and they walked out the Faith that they talked
about. I remember multiple incidents of my parents giving away our possessions (i.e., clothing; food; cars, etc.) to
people in need, always with the belief that God would provide for us. They taught us by example that giving to
others is a proclamation of your Faith and that it is not optional for a Believer.
My Father was known as a man of great Faith. He was often heard saying, “If God said it, that’s it. Period.” His
famous line was, “If God told me to run though this wall, it’s my job to take off running. God will either move the
wall or enable me to run through it.” This is what I call unshakeable Faith.
Over the past few years, I have personally encountered situations and circumstances that have tested my Faith and
pushed it to the max. Like Job, in the Bible, I have experienced attacks that seem unending and intensifying in
their strength. Before I am able to recover from one thing, I am hit with something else. I often find myself
wondering how I am even still alive and in my right mind. Yet, still I stand.
There were many lessons taught in the Greene Household. One of them being that your Faith is strengthened
through your giving. As we give of ourselves and our sustenance, our Faith becomes more active and secure. As
my physical challenges have increased, so has my desire to give. Without even analyzing it, I find myself looking
for ways to serve others. I realize with greater clarity, that it is often the thing(s) that require no financial support,
they are the most valuable.
On a daily basis, I come in contact with people who are hurting. They are in pain physically, emotionally and
spiritually. As I share my testimony of overcoming and recovering through this process, I am repeatedly told how
observing the way I’m going through, is encouraging someone else to go through. I have received countless
emails and messages via social media, from people who say that, without my realizing it, on a particular day, I
offered a smile, a joke, a prayer or even a cyber hug, that helped them to get through that day.
In Physical Therapy, I find myself encouraging someone else to keep pushing. That the pain they feel today can
produce the healing that they need tomorrow. Many of them look at me in disbelief when I answer their
questions about what brought me to this place. They want to know how I live with the chronic pain and
occasional setbacks. How do I handle the days when I’m alone and have no one to help me. My honest response
is, “The only thing that has not failed me during this season of my Life Journey, is my Faith.”
It is my desire to encourage myself and others that God’s love for us is unfailing. His plans are often unclear, but
they ALWAYS serve a purpose. This is my continual service.