Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith September Issue | Page 7
PRIORITY SHIFT- Once we have taken a look at
the man in the mirror, as Micheal Jackson said, we
can begin to focus on shifting our priorities. As a
community our priorities must be putting us and
our businesses first. We must begin to have a sell to
everyone but look out for us first mentality. Other
communities do this but we seem to be the only
ones that lag behind when it comes to placing us
first. Our communities would thrive from our
families to our churches if we put our priorities
where we own it first. We have the blueprint for
what happens when we have this priority shift. Our
history is filled with what we need to do in order to
bring our communities up from its being second
priority way of thinking. When we are priority our communities better. Well as I say too many
number one we give the next generation the men when I am speaking at different events, we
opportunity to go even further then what we have. are playing chess not checkers. We have to begin to
We give them permission to succeed and be great create impactful solutions to the real issues that we
at whatever it is that they decide to do. The next have in our communities. Empowering our
generation can only be great if we have a priority communities is going to be a daunting task but
shift and PUT IT WHERE WE OWN IT!!! those of us who are real men and are willing to put
in the work are willing to do what needs to be done
for as long as it needs to be done so that our
COMMUNITY SHIFT- Our communities need a communities become the great dwelling places
major makeover. If our communities were a that we know that they can be. The community
person, it would look like someone who had been shift is going to happen one way or the other. The
beaten down, drug through the mud and left with only question is….will you be a part of it? We need
many bruises and scares. The scares of our men who will PUT IT WHERE YOU OWN IT!!!!
community are deep. They are more than just a
physical scare they are emotional, psychological
and spiritual. Shifting our communities begins
with the men of the community holding each
other accountable for being men. There have been
too many absent men in our communities.
Whether physically or just mentally absent and it
has been part of why we are in the condition that
we are in. I know that many of you reading this
article may have expected to be reading some soft
docile article about what we as men can do to make
Issue 27 | 234